Stay safe as you use the pool this summer.

When the heat of summer sets in, there’s nothing better than taking a refreshing dip in the pool. While playing in the pool is certainly fun, it’s important to remember that this activity poses certain risks. If you want to keep your loved ones safe this summer, make sure your keep these pool safety tips in mind.

Adult Supervision

Children should never be allowed near a pool without proper adult supervision. Young, inexperienced swimmers should only enter the water once they are equipped with the proper floatation devices. Additionally, young swimmers should always be kept within arm’s reach at all times. Older, stronger swimmers can be monitored from the side of the pool, just stay vigilant and be ready to dive in if an emergency situation arises.

Protective Barriers

If you have a pool in your yard, you should have a protective barrier surrounding its entire perimeter. Pool safety experts recommend installing a 4 to 5-foot safety gate around your pool to keep small children or pets from wandering into the water unsupervised. This fence should feature a self-closing, self-latching gate to prevent kids or animals from sneaking inside the barrier without you noticing.

Water Chemistry

Your pool water is filled with various chemicals; if these chemicals are unbalanced, the water could prove harmful. Before letting anyone swim, you should measure your pool’s water chemistry. If you need to add chemicals, make sure you let the water settle for two hours before taking another reading. If your water appears murky or discolored, this could be an indication of chemical imbalance, meaning you should not let anyone into the pool. If you are struggling to properly adjust your pool’s chemical levels, contact a local pool expert for assistance.

Keep these pool safety tips in mind this summer.  Want another way to keep your loved ones safe this season?  Then make sure you have the proper personal insurance protections in place.  For assistance with all your coverage needs, contact the experts at Weaver & Associates in Arcadia, California.  We are ready to get you covered today.